How to Build Website
As you come on this article, it means you would like to learn the steps for building a website, Our content will help you to understand the website building steps in a very easy way. To build a website we have 2 ways:

a) Build website by yourself
b) Find a Freelancer from best freelance websites

In first option Build website by yourself we can use Website Builders or Can create website by using CMS based  builder like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Shopify . 

In this article We will explain the method of building website by using WordPress.

For every condition , while building website by own skills or with the help of website developer,  Domain Booking and Hosting is compulsory.

Check all Steps as below:>

Book A Domain ::

A domain name is the portion of a website's URL that uniquely identifies a web page. Every domain name is Unique, If anyone book the domain with some name, No one can else book with that particular domain extension. Some website builder like Shopify, Wix, Squarespace  offer to register them for you when you join up with them, but you may also register them individually at websites. To make easy selection for you, we listed best Domain Booking Websites. Many hosting websites offer free domain as well while registeration with them. ​​​​​​​This is best for the individuals who want to book Hosting and Domain on same website. 

Make your domain name count since it is one of the primary ways a website advertises itself online.

Here are some general guidelines for selecting a domain name.

Identical to your business :
 Domain names should express the niche of your business. If you are running a Digital Marketing Agency and looking for a good name suggestions relevant to this category, It should be like HireSEOExpertsIndia, your client can easily understand about your business.
Easy to Remember: Domain name should be single word based or maximum 3 word based so that users can easily pronounce and spell Without any issue.
Seo Optimized Domain : If you want to target all the world, use the .com domain. But if you have special target  location for marketing suppose you want to target Australia market only In that case use, if UK is target location, use and similar for another locations

For Personal Website : If you want to create a website for your personal services, You should choose your name in it. As an example Best fit for a personal blog, website, or portfolio.

Avoid Special Characters : Avert using hyphens and numerals. Simply said, this makes the URL appear strange. Additionally, it hinders people from saying
No Spell Mistake : The simple mistake we always, spell mistake while booking the domain. Recheck it multiple times. But sometimes we book the wrong domain. Some hosting providers allow us to change it without any extra cost. 

This happen with me once, I want to book a domain for trip advisors services and I book the wrong one, but after 1 hour I checked its wrong, I ping to my favorite hosting service provider Hostinger Support team they change it and allow me to select the best domain, Now its with me

Select Best Hosting :

To build a Home we need a Land and Plot number, similar to a website. Domain work as plot number and hosting work as a Land. As House unique number make our house identical, similarly a domain name of our website give a unique identity to our business website. To stand the website data we use hosting as a space, where we save our all website data. So, we have to be very sharp while choosing the hosting service, there are a number of hosting websites, how can anybody decide which hosting is best for his/her website. Hereby, we will help you out through main points to make your decision easy.

​​​​​​​Hosting Price :

Hosting Support:

Hosting Additional Benefits:
Cloud Hosting or Shared Hosting : 

Easy to Manage:

Updated PHP version :
​​​​​​​Hosting Provider Location:

Select Best Website Builder :

​​​​​​​It's now simpler than ever to establish your own website without knowing any code thanks to website builders. Even site builders designed specifically for e-commerce sites and blogs exist. The finest website builders are simple to use, reasonably priced, and flexible.

The most common choices come with templates or themes, giving you a place to start with your designs. You may now upload your own photographs or text and rapidly publish thanks to this.  The majority of landing pages are created using page builders, and it only takes a few minutes to create stunning landing sites that compel visitors to subscribe to your mailing list or make a purchase.
We evaluated dozens of solutions based on price, usability, features, and storage to find the best website builder.

Some website builders have their own inbuilt stylish themes or for some we have to find as for wordpress

List of Website builders( CMS)

STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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Some Hosting websites provide inbuilt Website Builders also.
​​​​​​​ Here is the list below:

Godaddy Website Builder

STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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GoDaddy Central

STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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Mailchimp website builder

STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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Bluehost Website Builder:

STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

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Hostinger Website Builder

STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month
E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes

know More

Use Website Theme:

Firstly we need to intergrate a basic wordpress theme. Now a days, hosting websites provide inhouse wordpress integration in very easy steps. For newbies Hostinger is best suitable for wordpress. I explained more clearly wordpress integration process in one another article How to integrate wordpress in hostinger

Suppose ,you choose Wordpress as a website builder to build your website. Wordpress provides us multiple options to become a big fan of this website builder and you will feel comfortable to build your website. Normally to develop the website we must have a design of the website. The website design is built by using different ui design tools such as Photoshop, XD, Figma etc.

But in Wordpress, we don't need to worry about this Web Design creation or hiring a Web designer because we have a hidden source of Wordpress theme

The layout of your website is controlled by a theme. It determines the outside appearance of your website, and it is the area of your website that directly affects your users.
Finding a theme that looked professional was my only concern when picking one for my first website. I had no idea how much a theme could impact my website's security and speed, for example. There are other factors we should  know as well that we should consider while choosing the best wordpress theme for your Personal website creation or Business website design.


Compatibility with plugins

Regular Updated Version

Responsive design

Developer support availability

Cross-browser compatibility

Speed: Themes can be bloated with extra functionality, which can make even the most impressive-looking ones take a long time to load. If you like theme design and want to deal with its speed, use less size images and videos.

Customer Support: How crucial is it to seek help with technical issues from the theme author? If you occasionally require assistance, it may be worthwhile to have a paid support arrangement.

Simple to implement: Occasionally, I like to sele easy to use themes and modify it for other uses only because I am familiar with how it is set up and works.

Secure: Your theme is one of the things you should pay particular attention to when it comes to protecting your organization from attacks. Attackers frequently find it simple to exploit themes that aren't routinely patched for vulnerabilities.

Where to find WordPress themes

My favourite theme provider for WordPress is  The reasons I like ThemeForest are:-
They have a very large number of themes to choose from You can browse their themes by a selection of criteria and search terms.  I always enter the search term  “responsive” Their “elite” theme authors  are motivated to provide good support as they have income and a reputation to protect You can see user ratings and have access to comments and support blogs to help assess the quality of the theme and the support provided Once you have purchased a theme, you have free access to ongoing updates

Select Page builder:

From 2021, wordpress come with page builders. Page builder are very easy and you can setup the website without writing any code, edit, and customise the layout of your WordPress website using page builders.

In this phase, we'll contrast some of the top WordPress drag-and-drop page builders.

Beaver Builder STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month DRAG-AND-DROP EDITOR: Yes E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes Benefits of Beaver Builder

Divi STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month DRAG-AND-DROP EDITOR: Yes E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes Benefits of Divi

Elementor STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month DRAG-AND-DROP EDITOR: Yes E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes Benefits of Elementor

Themify STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month DRAG-AND-DROP EDITOR: Yes E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes Benefits of themify

Visual Composer Website Builder STARTING PRICE for Godaddy: $9.99 per month DRAG-AND-DROP EDITOR: Yes E-COMMERCE Feature: Yes Benefits of Visual Composer Builder

Theme Integration:

Theme integration process is different for each page builder. As elementor is easy to use and updation. Hereby, I am  explaining all steps for theme integration while using Elementor Page Builder.
We need to start with elementor plugin integration as shown below:
In elementor we use Elementor Kits for integration. 

NormWebsite kits are collections of templates, pages, popups, and any other
component required to build a full website. 

You may now import all the content at once, as opposed to previously having to 
import each template separately.

In elementor free version you can find free kits through Kit Library as well. If you want to use more advance options then I suggest Envato Elements Librarary is best.

As we download the elementor kit, we get a zip file. Now, we need to upload this zip file. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Download the Kit

​​​​​​​Step 2 : Upload the kit

Step 3 : Import Kit Files in free version

Step 4: Setup Header

​​​​​​​Step 5 : Setup Footer

Step 6 : Setup Menu Buttons

​​​​​​​Step 7: Add Logo

Step 8 : Add Content

​​​​​​​Step 9 : Make it Publish Publicly